Clarity Yields Understanding

My name is Patrick Lane. I create graphics for the scientific, medical, pharmaceutical and scientific publishing communities. I launched ScEYEnce Studios in November 2003 after a 15-year career as a Biomedical Illustrator, Art Director, Creative Director and partner at a preeminent scientific illustration and design firm in Philadelphia, PA.

More than simply creating beautiful imagery I am in the business of translation. I translate difficult scientific concepts into visual narratives that educate, illuminate and teach. My years of experience and understanding of the sciences, along with my skill and dedication as a sci-artist enables me to quickly produce and deliver high-quality graphics. My existing clients know what I am capable of and my new clients are always pleasantly surprised to work with a graphic artist who speaks and understands their language.

Credit-Card-Logos-1A significant number of my new clients are individual scientists in charge of labs located all over the globe. They are contracting with me to spruce up their graphics and make them acceptable for journal publication. Many of these new clients have asked me if I accept credit cards. Well, now I do. I have joined the Square Register Merchant Account system and accept MasterCard, Visa, American Express and Discover. This will make it much more convenient, especially for my overseas clients, to pay for small, quick jobs. Gone are the days of sending estimates/invoices, waiting for PO approval, setting up vendor accounts, and waiting for the University payment office to cut and mail checks. Even the hassle of setting up an international wire transfer was time consuming and slow. With one simple phone conversation we can exchange information and the payment process is completed instantly.

Client List
American Society for Microbiology American Heart Association Journal Circulation ASM Journals American Society of Hematology American Physiological Society Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences Bridge Street Films Brooks/Cole | Cengage Learning Campbell’s Soup Consumer Dynamics Duke University Medical Center Elsevier Erasmus MC Rotterdam Garland Science|Taylor & Francis Group Graphic World Publishing Services Leiden University Medical Center, Dept. of Toxicogenetics Max F. Perutz Laboratories GmbH


Medical College of Wisconsin
McGraw Hill Higher Education
PocketDoktor GmbH
Princeton University, Dept. of Molecular Biology
Queensland Institute of Medical Research
Swiss Tropical Institute
Thompson Steele, Inc.
University of Alabama at Birmingham
University of Chicago, Dept. of Microbiology
University of Pennsylvania, Dept of Physics and Astronomy
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
UNC School of Medicine
University of Washington, Dept. of Microbiology
UpReach Communications
Wilson Learning Company
Yale University School of Medicine


“I’m sitting outside, happily paging through the new Edition, and I just had to send off a note of thanks and appreciation for your remarkable contributions.  I love them all–even the more whimsical bits–and I truly see you as our “fifth author”.  Without the clarity and consistency of the figures, I suspect no matter how well written, it would be confusing or vague to our students.”

Dr. Glenn Rall
Author — Principles of Virology 4e
Fox Chase Cancer Center

“First, let me tell you how pleased we are with your work for Circulation! It’s fantastic. Everybody loves it. You definitely drill down into a figure to reveal its important intent, and you make it attractive in the process. Plus, you’re fast! It’s great to work with you.”

Dr. Joseph Hill
American Heart Association Journal “Circulation”